طلب مسبق
تاريخ الوصول المتوقع
INART Movable Articulated Body *1
- Head Sculpt With Calm Expression, Sculpted Hair And Movable Eyes *1
- Head Sculpt With Angry Expression Sculpted Hair, Rooted Bangs And Movable Eyes *1
- Battlesuit *1
- Boots *1 Pair
- Stylised Cape *1
- Draped Cape *1
- Hands With Natural Gesture *1 Pair
- Hands With Fist Gesture *1 Pair
- Hands With Open Gesture *1 Pair
- Hands With Pinched Gesture *1 Pair
- Hands With A Gripped Gesture *1 Pair
- Left Hand With Engaged Gesture *1
- Hand Holding Batman’s Cowl *1
- Kryptonite*1
- Kryptonite Grenade *1
- Kryptonite Spear *1
- Polaroid Photo *5
- Acrylic Stand *1
- Floor Slab Replacement *1
- Magnetic Base*1