The Literature, Publishing, and Translation Commission celebrates the short story genre by launching its second special edition: Fourteen Days. This book explores the COVID-19’s impact on humanity. For example, our understanding of many concepts shifted during the pandemic, chief among them is how we perceive isolation. People have shown that there are innovative ways to connect even during quarantine. This is the idea that inspired the title “Fourteen Days”, which denotes the quarantine period required for afflicted patients at the peak of the pandemic.
This collection includes twenty short stories written in 2020 in Saudi Arabia, during the 24-hour curfew imposed by the Saudi Ministry of Health as one of its many precautionary measures to control the spread of the disease. The Commission believes that this book perfectly reflects the central role literature has in documenting and encompassing important historic eras.
متجر رقش هو متجر إلكتروني سعودي (رقم السجل التجاري 2051239344) ينشر ويبيع الكتب الورقية في مختلف المجالات والأنواع الأدبية، ويقدم خدمات متميزة للمؤلفين والقراء، ويضمن لهم تجربة تسوق سهلة وآمنة وممتعة.