How to become a rogue
55 ر.س
- Warning: This product contains more than 100 tricks and methods of fraud, fraud and deception, most of which are prohibited by Sharia in all monotheistic religions, and their gain is prohibited.
- We took into account the brevity as much as possible and not to elaborate on the explanation, especially for the clear laws and tricks.
- Let us bring it to the good before it falls into the hands of the wicked.
- If this product falls into the hands of one of the bad guys, all his surroundings will be at risk from him.
- I wrote this book after many years of hesitation, due to the prohibition of most of its contents, and it is the product of tens of years in this life.
- A symbolic price has been set for the book to help spread it and deliver it to all people.
- Please: do not recommend the contents of the book and recommend the book.
- Do not recommend it or recommend it.
- This book is for the first beneficiary only, and we do not agree to publish any of its content in any way. All you have to do is advise it and not advise what is in it.
- From the author's point of view, this book is the fourth book in history in this field:
- 1 - How to win friends: Dale Carnegie.
- The Seven Habits: Stephen Covey
- 3- How to Take Power: Robert Greene
- 4- How to become a rogue in seconds: buusaleh
All rights reserved to the owner only and it is prohibited to publish or promote any of the content. Will be liable to prosecution and compensation:
Officially authorized and licensed by the Ministry of Information in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia:
59460720220509 Media release number
09-05-2022 Date
تسوق المزيد من كتب ودورات الاحتيال و الخداع
مسالك الإبداع : متجر سعودي : يقدم منتجات فريدة و مبتكرة وحصريات تتناغم مع شغف عشاق التميز . الرياض-حي اليرموك-شارع ابي جعفر المنصور
أسئلة وأجوبة حول المنتج
منتجات أخرى من المتجر